

All PBA students have an opportunity to use 9 elective credit hours (plus an internship) to earn the 特许经营集中度. Franchising is a worldwide phenomenon and franchise companies seek well educated college graduates to become employees and franchisees. 提多中心在教育方面是独一无二的. Few universities offer courses in franchising and only PBA offers a 特许经营集中度 which is recorded on the graduate's transcript. The Concentration enhances any college major and the Concentration is not restricted to business majors. PBA students who wish to earn the Concentration can begin by completing a declaration form available in the Rinker School of Business dean’s office or at 提多中心 for Franchising. To discuss your opportunities in franchising please visit the 提多中心 and meet with the center’s staff.






PBA 2024年的毕业典礼上,有11名学生获得了特许经营专业的学位. 该专业不是学位,但会列在毕业生的成绩单上. Graduates who earned the 特许经营集中度 were honored during the April 2024 提多中心 Advisory Board meeting with more than 100 franchise professionals attending. 毕业生获得提多中心颁发的结业证书. 向毕业生致敬, PBA校友布兰登·格里姆肖, 顾问委员会的成员, 送去贺电.


Thousands of franchise companies as well as multi-unit franchisees seek to hire candidates who have an education in franchising. 然而, very few universities provide any education in franchising thus creating an opportunity for graduates of PBA’s 提多中心 for Franchising. You can choose any major at PBA and include the 特许经营集中度 using your elective credit hours. 有了这些证书,Titus中心可以帮助你找到工作. 市场营销有机会, 管理, 金融, 会计, 国际业务, HR, 培训, 政府, 等. 然而, 我们项目的许多毕业生更喜欢自己创业, 本书教你如何获得特许经营机会.


PBA是独一无二的. 据我们所知,没有其他大学提供特许经营专业. 另一所大学开设了特许经营专业. 有几所大学开设特许经营课程. 然而, 提多中心 是否与特许经营社区紧密结合. 演讲嘉宾, 通常每学期超过12个, 与学生建立持续的关系, 并提供实习和工作机会. 泰图斯中心拥有一个专业的顾问委员会,其中包括40多个特许经营商, franchisees and suppliers—most of whom take an interest in developing our students and helping them after graduation. 我们的大多数学生都计划拥有自己的企业, 而我们的专注让他们准备好迎接这个机会. 我们还有 提供奖学金 并将启动一项贷款计划,最高可提供300美元,学生/毕业生购买特许经营权. 我们提供的机会是其他地方所没有的.



  1. BFR 2123特许经营原则3学时. 这门课程是在线提供的.
  2. BFR 3123特许经营创意企业3学时.
  3. BFR 4123特许经营管理 & 3学时.
  4. BUSV 4713特许经营实习3学时.



了解更多关于您的课程和要求 课程目录.

PBA奖金超过三百万美元 奖学金 每年有97%的PBA本科生获得奖学金 金融援助.


您对特许经营集中度有什么疑问吗? 联系 Titus_Center@mokmingsky.com.



I have just wrapped up my internship with Jack Day and Steve Popper (提多中心 Advisory Board members) at Meals of Hope and it was an amazing experience.

在“希望之餐”的实习与我以往的实习相比是独一无二的, 因为我获得了宝贵的市场营销经验, 销售, 和特许经营. 杰克信任我,让我直接与新英格兰地区的潜在客户打交道, 所以我在实习期间获得了实际的销售经验. Jack and Steve also provided the flexibility for me to pick my own hours for the summer and work remotely. 我也有机会发挥创造性的主动性,提出新的想法. 对于“希望之餐”出色的领导团队,我无法用言语来表达我的高度评价, and I am looking forward to seeing the impact they have on the franchising community in the years to come.

I would highly recommend this internship experience to any 提多中心 student who is interested in working for a great cause while gaining valuable real-world experience in franchising, 销售, 市场营销, 和操作.

亚伦玫瑰, 19届毕业生,德克萨斯州Round Rock ResiBrands的运营总监

亚伦玫瑰"作为Titus特许经营中心的毕业生, I can confidently say that this program has equipped me with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career in franchising. Their comprehensive and practical education gave me a thorough understanding of the industry and its practices, 从特许经营方和特许经营方的角度来看. The center’s connections with franchising executives from all around the world provided me with extremely valuable networking opportunities and insights into the latest trends and challenges in the field and also gave me the chance to get plugged into the franchising world and gain practical experience that has been invaluable in my career. I would highly recommend the 提多中心 for Franchising to anyone looking to enter this exciting and dynamic field. 在毕业后的短短三年里, 我有幸为一家新兴的特许经营企业集团服务,担任其运营总监. 我可以肯定地说, 如果你充分利用社交机会, 世界级的实习, 以及通过提多中心提供的资源, 它将促进你的特许经营事业, 就像我的一样.”


Alliana马里诺“I am a raving fan of 十大赌博网站 because of the opportunities the 提多中心 for Franchising has offered to me. Titus特许经营中心, 我已经能够与我的同学联系, 其他成功的经营者和所有者, 还有我的教授, 在更激烈的层面上. 这帮助我发展了课堂外的技能. Some opportunities and experiences that I have had are going to professional networking events with franchise executives, 特许经营惯例, 座谈会, 和特许经营公司的位置,以获得现实世界和实践经验. 这些是你在其他大学不容易得到的实践.”


卡森奎因“从我大学生涯的第一天起,特许经营就一直是我的幸事. 通过这个项目, 我学到了关于特许经营的所有知识,包括特许经营的定义, 特许经营披露文件内各项的含义, 加盟费的重要性, 以及特许人如何为被特许人的利益经营他们的公司. 更重要的是,私人社交活动的曝光率, 约定, 实习, 和奖学金. I definitely recommend the concentration in franchising because it will boost your business life and acumen. . . . 我是第二代朱庇特人,喜欢海滩和福来鸡. I am currently studying 金融 and will graduate with my bachelor’s in May 2024 and then pursue a master’s degree in the fall right after. 我参加了各种校园活动,包括金融科技和学生会. 我的职业目标是为摩根大通工作,或者开一家福来鸡.”


马修Cancino“I cannot begin to express the effectiveness of the 特许经营集中度 and how grateful I am to have participated in it. Before crossing paths with Palm Beach Atlantic’s center for franchising I could have never imagined the incredible opportunities that franchising offers. 超越卓越的专业发展机会, 真正使Titus中心与众不同的是它所创造的社区意识. 提多中心 for Franchising is more than just an educational institution; it is a life-changing experience. 给那些考虑加入Titus特许经营中心的人, 我全心全意地支持这个变革的机构. Prepare to embark on a remarkable journey that will not only shape your career but also leave an indelible mark on your heart and soul.”



电话: (561) 803-2100



Build confidence and unlock potential in 十大赌博网站’s Bachelor of Science in Accounting program. Develop stand-out skills in business and 会计 while learning to infuse and uphold your Christian faith in your work, 你的家, 你的社区.


Challenge yourself to succeed in your goals and exceed beyond expectations in 十大赌博网站’s Bachelor of Science (B.S.金融学学位课程. 建立一个跨业务原则的强大核心, 培养长期的金融专业知识, and choose whether to further your specialization in the Franchise Management concentration—all while deepening and affirming your Christian faith.



通过理学学士学位(B .),成为一名有创造力、适应性强、信仰驱动的商业领袖.S.在十大赌博网站攻读管理学学位. Take on projects with real-world impact and embrace opportunities to expand your network and advance your career starting in your first semesters on campus.